Gmaps web
Gmaps web

The Google Maps Capacitor plugin ships with a web component that must be used to render the map in your application as it enables us to embed the native view more effectively on iOS.

  • $kotlin_version: version of :kotlin-stdlib-jdk7 (default: 1.8.20).
  • $androidxCoreKTXVersion: version of re:core-ktx (default: 1.10.0).
  • gmaps web

  • $kotlinxCoroutinesVersion: version of :kotlinx-coroutines-android and :kotlinx-coroutines-core (default: 1.6.4).
  • $googleMapsUtilsKtxVersion: version of :maps-utils-ktx (default: 3.4.0).
  • $googleMapsKtxVersion: version of :maps-ktx (default: 3.4.0).
  • $googleMapsUtilsVersion: version of :android-maps-utils (default: 3.4.0).
  • $googleMapsPlayServicesVersion: version of :play-services-maps (default: 18.1.0).
  • This plugin will use the following project variables (defined in your app's adle file): If you are developing on an Apple Silicon Mac, building and running on physical devices is still supported and is the recommended approach.Ī workaround on Apple Silicon Macs if you want/need to use the simulator is adding the following line to your Podfile in the target 'App' section after the # Add your Pods here line: This is requires a new release of the library from Google. The main Google Maps SDK now supports running on simulators on Apple Silicon Macs, however, a dependency from Google called Google-Maps-Utils-iOS does not yet support Apple Silicon. Read about Configuring ist in the iOS Guide for more information on setting iOS permissions in Xcode.
  • NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription ( Privacy - Location When In Use Usage Description).
  • NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription ( Privacy - Location Always Usage Description).
  • To use this, Apple requires privacy descriptions to be specified in ist: The Google Maps SDK supports the use of showing the users current location via enableCurrentLocation(bool).

    gmaps web

    Additional information about obtaining these API keys can be found in the Google Maps documentation for each platform.

    gmaps web

    This is required for all three platforms, Android, iOS, and Javascript.

    gmaps web

    These can be obtained from the Google Cloud Console. To use the Google Maps SDK on any platform, API keys associated with an account with billing enabled are required.

    Gmaps web